Friday, February 17, 2012

Wistful on a Friday

I have been looking and looking for this photo and I finally found it....
Oh how I love this picture.
To me, it doesn't just sum up a moment in time from the SATC series; it captures my twenties,
my friendships then, and how the show taught me the importance of those strong female friendships in your life.
I miss the impromptu sushi nights that went on past midnight, even during the week.
I miss going out for coffee whenever because no one had a husband or children to worry about.
I miss my biggest worry being would I ever move out of my apartment, get a mortgage, quit waitressing.
I miss those days--not every aspect of them, but they hold for me a wistfulness of being an 'almost-woman', still experimenting, breaking things, and learning, learning, learning.
I never thought that the feeling 'wistful' would apply when I looked back.

Ah well.
Enjoy the photo.
Enjoy the weekend.

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