I'll start by saying I still have the headache and I have taken more pills in the last 3 days than I'd care to own up to.
I will also start by saying I have now completely caught up on all celebrity gossip from 8 issues of Hello, this includes all the royals.
I've barely been able to read the Goldberg book I was so into last week because the headache leaves me so dizzy with exhaustion. I have slept over 24 of the past 48 hours.
Still, I remain optimistic. I managed to log onto work email today and take care of a couple of things, and I have a nice, long, to-do list for the day tomorrow, for the week really.
It's cold in my apartment, but I'm not minding it. I've gone through an entire thing of gingerale, effortlessly.
Anyway. Nothing else to report. Talked to my friend K. about learning more about saying "no" and about turning down invitations without feeling obligated and guilty (this is huge for me. both these things). We also talked about taking too much on (here here) and emotional exhaustion and how stress can be a real trigger for that.
So...I'm taking care to take care.
Here are some photos I took with the kids on Saturday as we walked to the grocery store, and they remind me of two things;
1, I need to colour my hair, not that outrageously, but I do
2, My head still hurts. Do you think these heads get headaches?
My niece thought the heads were from real people. I assured her they weren't. She went on to anthromorphosize them anyway, something I did my entire childhood. Do all kids do that or is it just the really creative, artistic types?

This also reminded me of how differently kids allow you to look at the world sometimes. I walk by this store all the time, but they instantly saw the magic there and took the time to name the colours on each head of hair.
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