As promised, I will enlighten you on my holiday preferences, taste in chardonnay, running routes (mostly in Toronto, home base...I'll throw in some Maine routes too), and favourite foods (I've talked before of what I WON'T eat, and how that is what Mike and I had in common, a list of foods we don't eat, when we first met eleven-odd years ago). And in case you can't tell by now, one of my favourite things to do is to make lists. It's known amongst all my best friends. I prefer to summarize a night out or an event by making a "top ten" of the best moments. And when I have writer's block, or my voice is faint..well, you know what I do.
I'm not that well-travelled. I've gone on a handful of trips, nothing crazy, as movies like "Brokedown Palace", "Alive", and "Midnight Express" really sullied international travel for me. I've stuck close to home, North America, the Caribbean.
I've been to the UK once, and to Dublin, Ireland. I didn't love it there. It was cramped to me, being in Edinburgh and Dublin--I guess coming from a city, it tired me out to walk around another one for days at a time. My feet hurt constantly.
It was beautiful, don't get me wrong. But I haven't had the urge to explore anymore of Europe since that trip. Mike swears I will love Paris, and I know I will love it with him, since he is very well-acquainted with it and speaks very good French; so I'll leave it to him to put Paris on my "favourites" list.
Caribbean--St. Maarten has proved to be my favourite destination. Mike can't wait to go there, I talk about it so fondly. Unbelievable scenery and views (have you ever seen the moon rise? You will in St. Maarten). Beaches. Heineken. Jet-skis. More Heineken. It's Dutch you know. And another fun fact: not only can you buy a beer at KFC, you can wander on in with your own beer, order your chicken, and drink it there no problem. And then leave, with your beer, out the door.
I know. Was shocked, and that shock quickly progressed to admiration.
I'm not that well-travelled. I've gone on a handful of trips, nothing crazy, as movies like "Brokedown Palace", "Alive", and "Midnight Express" really sullied international travel for me. I've stuck close to home, North America, the Caribbean.
I've been to the UK once, and to Dublin, Ireland. I didn't love it there. It was cramped to me, being in Edinburgh and Dublin--I guess coming from a city, it tired me out to walk around another one for days at a time. My feet hurt constantly.
It was beautiful, don't get me wrong. But I haven't had the urge to explore anymore of Europe since that trip. Mike swears I will love Paris, and I know I will love it with him, since he is very well-acquainted with it and speaks very good French; so I'll leave it to him to put Paris on my "favourites" list.
Caribbean--St. Maarten has proved to be my favourite destination. Mike can't wait to go there, I talk about it so fondly. Unbelievable scenery and views (have you ever seen the moon rise? You will in St. Maarten). Beaches. Heineken. Jet-skis. More Heineken. It's Dutch you know. And another fun fact: not only can you buy a beer at KFC, you can wander on in with your own beer, order your chicken, and drink it there no problem. And then leave, with your beer, out the door.
I know. Was shocked, and that shock quickly progressed to admiration.

As a rule I pick Sand over Concrete, Beach over Traffic, Walking idly, slowly, rather than Rushing. The low-key vackay.
Look, I live in a cold busy city. Where people are rude and don't smile, and wear heels on Sunday mornings and look like hookers in lululemon that fit them 2 sizes ago. So I like to slow the pace down to a stroll, carry my coffee while I walk, my water while I run, and give the runner's wave to all I see; unlike here, where, last Saturday, two tall guys on the trail made me get out the way in a 'we own the trail' kind of way and gave me no acknowledgment or runner's greeting. Ok I get it you're either a) from Toronto and full of your selves or b) visiting Toronto for the marathon and were too busy deriding our dear city's waterfront course. Then...bugger off. For the rudeness part.
Running Routes
Took an unusual running route--from my car dealership on the Lakeshore for redemption of this handy coupon Mazda emailed me. I left my car there, did a warm up, got a coffee, then went to get a dose of vitamin D. By the time I did all that, a good hour had passed, so I set out for my Saturday 10km. No runner's high to report, but nonetheless some good out of body some good thought processes, and at the end I arrived to pick up my car, behind a dumb woman picking up HER car and basically needing a therapy session from the tres hungover service counter girl trying, clunkily, to get through her questions. Five minues of inanity continued while I did the stretch down/cool down for my run. I waited 10 minutes all total, the run I had just completed, and me being post ms, not pre, helped me keep my cool. My cool was curt one-word answers and the ignoring of any apologies. You save those for the other DUMB customer while serving the one (first) who wants to give you her money and get out of your dingy shop. Just reiterating. Already complained on the customer service survey they were kind enough to have me take. I was like "ahhhh bonus now I don't have to write this out, stamp a letter, traipse out the mailbox with a stamped letter (IN THE RAIN) and, fingers crossed, hope it reaches someone".
But back to faves
Up Jarvis from Richmond, maybe you cut through the park, maybe you don't . Sometimes just straight up Jarvis, ruler straight, to the Rogers building, and up those little stairs and onto Bloor. Bloor brings you to the viaduct (what Mike calls the 'suicide bridge', horrible I know. But it used to be true--that's why the rails are up, for those of you from out-of-town who ever come and see it). You run across it, you're halfway almost , through a long route. You bomb down Broadview, and I like to let the brakes go when running past the park. Flattens out again at Gerrard, long red light that is, pick up more speed again as you bomb down to Dundas, letting that momentum carry you higher, and finally you see the Real Jerk on the corner of Queen and Broadview. I head west up to River, this is a bit of a painful hill after the coasting Broadview allows, but then you get the nice King detour, down a hill, curve around a corner. And then, in a few minutes I'm home.
Maine has the mile (smooth hills) to the beach, then the trail to the beach, then the beach. Low tide is best, no running on an angle, just flat, wettish, forgiveing sand. 10 km is easy and surpasssable with the beach, and the birds, and the sites and sounds , I love it. Mike also lives near a marsh area with a lot of local wildlife, and a trail to die for. When you come out of the woody part of the trail, you are treated by lush vegatation, pockets of marsh water, and slices of sky. I had had to take a quick bathroom break on that one, so Mike gained some ground, but the scenery inspired me (Had I died? Was this running heaven?) to blow by him in what he described as a pace that looked completely effortless. And it FELT effortless, too.

California California
Mondavi special editions , those coastal ones.
Mark West
Cupcake (yes, that it's real name--I discovered alot of these at New Hampshire's Wine Outlet, but sometimes, like Cupcake, then find their way to Canada).
Buelher a fave of Mike
J. L0hr special edition
Gallo--do no scoff: Russian River Valley Chard with the red rooster on the bottle
and so many others --the one I had at Lucca in Boston in Little Italy,
Canada--wine tour in niagara--Hernder Estates (delicious, understated, well-priced). We also went to Henry of Pelham, and the wonderful Vineland. No bad wines here!

tried this pricey, delicious little number in Chicago. the client paid. thank you!
Sushi, seafood, salmon, trout, lobster, and all the things that you can do with them. I think Lobster bisque in Maine saved me last winter.
I love a good steak, anywhere.
Oysters with homemade horseradish and hotsauce.
Duck confit. In risotto.
Trevor Kitchen and Bar
Fries and wings at the pub across the street
granola bars (no raisins)
English muffins
Indian--chicken vindaloo (HOT) , naan bread, rice, pakoras.
Sleeping pills and anxiety meds are not food, I know. But i like them.
Wine is pretty well covered under Chardonnay.
brunch esp. if I have to eat any one of the 100s of disgusting overpriced hipster bullsh*t brunch places in this city. Thanks--I'd rather lie on the sidewalk and try to swallow clouds.
brunch esp. if I have to eat any one of the 100s of disgusting overpriced hipster bullsh*t brunch places in this city. Thanks--I'd rather lie on the sidewalk and try to swallow clouds.
fruit. anywhere.
fruit drinks, both mock and cocktails
eggs. also, watching other people eat eggs.
are you getting the sense this is also an anti-morning thing too? You're right. I save alot of money by not buying coffee. 4 people in line? BYE!
eating before 12 noon
making plans on a day that is not a work day, for before noon, unless you live around the corner, or you are staying on my couch. then I don't have to make my somewhere.
I'm also sick of wedding and baby showers. And I know, I'm supposed to be having a wedding shower at some point. Oh God.
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