Monday, September 17, 2012

September Weekend


It's starting to become a sort-of tradition.
We celebrate my friend T.'s and my birthdays in August, when they actually are, then her husband sends us (along with two friends!) to Niagara for a girls' weekend.
It's phenomenal.
The was perfect. Breezy, warm, sunny.
The traffic, well, let's not talk about it. I believe it is the reason I came back completely wiped out, since, out of the four of us, I was the "fallen soldier" who went to bed at midnight and did not accompany my friends out to the Niagara nightlife (re: casino and more drinks).
I was so tired I didn't even hear them come back in around 2am.
Next day: Wine country. Fantastic. Weather, again, beyond perfect.
Tastings, lunch on a quiet patio, a view of Lake Ontario in the distance.

Driving home. More traffic. Some tar substance falling on my car from an overpass (very random--we thought at first it was a bird.. but no--they were re paving the road above and it dropped down--and splattered--all over my car).
To the car wash, then to my mom's for dinner, which turned into an overnight since I had all my stuff with me, and I was zonked, and her couch is so comfortable.  I missed my mom alot when I was away (I missed everyone!) and it was nice to see her for our third dinner together in under a week.
I was asleep, as in fast asleep, by 9:30pm. Not sure what is wrong with me.
Maybe the impending "Monday" made me want to tune out the world.
So the image shown here was taken by my friend with her blackberry. Those bags beside me on the hotel couch are from outlet shopping (another weekend perk!).  I am sipping wine from a tumbler, and am getting ready to call it a night while the three of them got ready to begin it.
Ah well. I got some great sleep this weekend, saw great friends, and enjoyed the countryside.
And my's still looking good.

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