Just did some quick math and I've lived, in total, through over 1800 Sundays. Weird to think of the numbers like that.
What is also weird is that I have been up since before 6 am. I did go to bed fairly early (before 11, so really, before 10, and really, I've only been up since before 7, since we "fell back" last night, collectively making sure that it will be dark as possible for the drive home for the next five-odd months).
But it is a bit unusual for me to be up this early, ie, earlier than I normally have to get up for work during the week.
I just had some coffee and I'm watching sports highlights (there is nothing else on except infomercials), and really, it's just background noise as I sip coffee and try to warm up, as I am still refusing to put the heat on.
I did do alot yesterday--my run, the cleaning, all my laundry, AND to top it off I did make it to the Eaton Centre, I did exchange my large-print-book-mis-buy from online (Blue Nights was in large print when it arrived. I read it anyway, and plan to re-buy it now that they have credited my account. They can't just swap it out in-store though, which I think is ridiculous. I had to read it because I was dying to. But for my collection, this large-print thing will no do). I also took a rare foray into Lulu Lemon while I was at the mall (which was, predictably for a Saturday in November packed). Remember all my favourite stores? Well, Lulu Lemon was not on there. Yes, I love athletic wear, and yes, I especially love athletic wear on the weekends, in the colder months, even when I'm not necessarily exercising--but I find Lulu Lemon, for the most part, does not live up to its price range. The pants are tight, and their lines don't really do alot for my body type. But before I left Maine, Mike's sister very generously got me a pair of their shorts, which fit perfectly, were reversible, and had a blue band at the top. Very nice. She promised me I would live in them. I did like them; except they did have a fatal flaw, and they aren't the only shorts/pants that suffer from this:
No Pockets.
Meaning, if I want to run in them, where does my stuff go? My flattened, folded-into-squares-five-dollar bill that I always carry, my condo keys and fob, and my ipod. So...no running in these shorts. I debated about what to do with them for a while. I knew I wouldn't wear them anywhere else, ie, out for fun of it, or lounging around the house--they are a more generous cut than a booty short, but I simply do not have long enough legs to carry these off. So they sat in a corner of my condo, in the bag, tags on, for the last two months (I've been busy. And, I hate going to the Eaton Centre).
Luckily, I was able to exchange them without the receipt and I browsed through the (packed) store for a while, making mental notes:
1) I don't need anymore pants except if they were cropped or legging style, for the coming winter of running outside--I only have pants that do right down to my shoe, and these can get soaked when running in snow/slush.
2) I just don't really like Lulu Lemon pants. Or their tops, or their bras. Once I discovered Costco, and their range of ever-evolving work-out wear, for a fraction of the cost (like, a FIFTH of the cost), I almost always buy there. Again--Lulu pants feel tight to me, and never seem to be the right size/fit. So I own on pair, bought with a giftcard, and I run in them in the winter, and that's the only time I wear them.
So I was considering a pair of cropped grey pants, with 3 pockets, in a size up from what I normally wear so they wouldn't feel as restrictive, but the sales girl told me they are not meant to be worn that way.
So scratch that.
I looked at running shorts, with a pocket (zippable) and they were nice. But I already have 2 pairs of functional shorts, and we're going into winter here.
Despite looming colder (freezing) temps, when I spotted the skirts, it was all over. They had several styles, colours, but the one in the picture above was my favourite. With a zippable pocket, and a hidden, second pocket, they fit perfectly; not tight, not falling off. (and the ruffles are on the back of the skirt; on the front it is flat, flattering, plain. Like I like).
So maybe that's why I'm up so early, day-light savings cancelling-out aside.
Ok, and yes, Mike is arriving today (much later in the day I might add), but I am excited to run in this skirt, and yes I'm wearing it today. I ran in shorts yesterday and I was glad I did.
So, that's part of my Sunday Girl plan for the day.
I have also already done all the prep-work for the dinner I'm making for Mike tonight (yes, I braved the insanely busy market, too, got in, got out, got some duck, have some plans for it) and I have a butternut-squash lasagne ready to put in the oven, sitting in the fridge right now.
Alot accomplished on my Saturday. I also finished reading Thunder and Lightning by Natalie Goldberg, and I feel oddly compelled to go and read it again. It was that good. I started Augusten Burroughs' "Running with Scissors" but so far it hasn't grabbed me, although his descriptions of his dysfunctional parents and the interior of his childhood home are compelling and I've created a large visual and it's very early in the book. But I'm not "in" it yet.
I have Julia Cameron's "Right to Write" and I may turn to that. As well, a fiction work by Joan Didion.
So I'll keep busy today until Mike arrives.
PS--I've tried everything to get the other picture of the front of the skirt I took up onto this post, but my computer is not cooperating. It's an ancient laptop, more than a decade old, and it's tired, (like me) right now.
Happy Sunday!
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