I was frustrated (with myself, with the situation I've found myself in for the last few weeks).
When I got home from what felt like an incredibly long, endless work-week, I put my running shoes on, went immediately outside, and, despite the pain that has been plaguing my right foot for the last week, I ran 10 k.
Huge mistake. I returned home, slightly better, but not in a great place, and proceeded to have my dinner and then go immediately to bed (we're talking 10pm). Waking up this morning, my foot was even worse. I have no idea what I've done to it. I have no idea why I've had a headache, off and on, for approximately the last ten days. Ok, I have SOME idea, but as I have previously discussed on this very blog--we all have our own brand of denial--this might be mine. It's all fine.
This morning, rain pouring, I got myself out of the apartment by 830, was at Starbucks by 845, and nursing a grande bold by 850. I got a nice dose of vitamin D at my local tanning bed (beside the Starbucks). I returned home, dripping wet from the monsoon outside, and after picking my sister and her family up from the airport mid-day, found myself at home, alone, for the rest of the day/evening.
My foot was so bad I didn't even attempt to get to church.
Mood soured, I talked to M for a bit this afternoon, in between doing laundry and washing the floor. Below is one of the pictures he sent me, photo-shopped from his new MacBook, that truly made me laugh. I couldn't quite think at first what part of the image was so funny to me. Part Mount Rushmore/part new cover for the Kahlil Gibran book of poetry I love so much, The Prophet.
Thank you M. Again.

Hope your foot gets better. The writing, now that's in very good health. Keept it up