I like to write about Sundays (my second favourite day of the week after Saturday) and as you know, list-making and questionnaire-filling-out-ing is my fall-back when I hit the wall, so to speak.
Today it's just "what I'm doing" (and not doing) this weekend and what I haven't done (have not done much today. Football looms).
What I've done so far today:
1. read Oprah mag fairly scrupulously. Martha Beck, in her column, talking about how we don't need to be like a terrier on coke to be happy. we can cultivate joy and happiness without running around stuffing it down people's throats (amen).
*remember--I follow Martha Beck like I am her disciple. after the burn-out column I allowed myself to keep sleeping when I needed to and not punish myself if I missed out on running because of it.
2. ate lunch, a leftover slice of pizza and some coffee, keeping in mind my friend Jillian's most recent blog, entitled "F*ck Calories". Oh how I agree with that slogan, that philosophy. Visit her blog, "Fat Girl in a Little Coat" to read more.
3. showered, complete with washing my hair, which I hadn't washed since Thursday. It was a static-ky mess, let me tell you. Drying it was a chore. It's sooo long again. I'm not complaining, just saying. I do love it. But it is work.
4. tried to upload wedding photos on facebook, on this blog. It's not working out too well. Sometimes the MAC thing frustrates me.
5. made coffee, two large cups. drank it.
6. talked to my mom (house sale fell through. More pending. Insanely frustrating but I am not fighting life right now--I'm just going along with the current).
Things I haven't done today:
1. I have not run. I managed 30 km so far this week, I'm tired, and when I awoke earlier, around 6am, I got up, took more Benelyn "all in one" (still sick) and went back to sleep. I put my phone on silence for all those up-with-their-kids at the crack of dawn friends who love to text at that hour. I'm glad I did.
2. left the house or gotten dressed. Put my pajamas back on after the shower, looked curiously outside, tied my robe tighter and poured more coffee. It's now 3 pm, time for the first football game. Ordinarily I would be berating myself for laziness. But I'm way past all that. I filled in the marriage paperwork (not sure what to do with it--mail it off? Service Ontario confused me). I have shower thank yous that I have to find addresses for. I have wedding thank you cards that need to be filled out, and photos that need to be printed. I think all of that is going to have to wait. Mike and I went to the St. Lawrence market yesterday, late in the day, so there's lots of food choices here for dinner. I haven't got to the bank either.
Oh well.
3. All of the above.
4. made the bed (just noticed Mike made it).
5. washed the dishes or done laundry (did both yesterday. I'm not usually like this).
What I did yesterday:
1. Ran 10 km despite the chill outside and a very undesirable surface underfoot. I turned on my foot at one point at a curb, avoiding a stroller. Could have been alot worse. My other foot is sore today though and I do have to keep an eye on it.
2. Went to the market with Mike just as it was closing. Ended up with some great cheap sushi, great cheap vegetables, steak for tonight, fish for last night.
3. Made it to church prior to mass. I haven't been to church in an embarassingly long time. As Mike says "Church is a state of mind" which is true, and a very comforting thought, but I love my church (St. Paul's Basilica). It's beautiful, awe-inspiring, and it always brings me back into the centre of myself. I specifically went to light a candle for an anniversary, and it was then, as I lit several, that I hadn't lit one for my Dad in a long time. Because I don't think I'd been to church since the summer. Wow. A very long time.
I also noticed that the church has a new statue, of John Paul II, a bronze bust by a Dutch artist who depicted him on one side as a young pope, then on the other side in his final years. It was incredibly detailed and beautiful, and the write-up underneath it was very poignant, encouraging the viewer of the statue to kneel before it and experience the reverence. I'm not sure if the statue is permanent or if it is on loan, but I'm glad I got to see it. As L'Engle wrote in the Summer of the Great-Grandmother, God does wander after spending a period of time with us sometimes.
I don't mean this to be a 'religious' post, but it was something I'd been wanting to do, get to church, and it has maybe enabled me to 'just be' today. Instead of 'doing' all the time. Just being can be so under-rated.
4. Visited my sister and niece and nephew, specifically to dye my sister's hair.
5. Made a nice dinner with Mike and thoroughly enjoyed Saturday without work thoughts invading and ruining it. I could stress about work 24/7 and it is my goal (I don't make resolutions) to continue to force work to take up less and less of my mental time. Also, Scarface was on. We watched it, again (one of those movies that for sets, costumes, and music, it wins in all categories for me). Also, Wedding Crashers. Mike and I critiqued it. It's okay. I've seen it before. It's no Raising Arizona, which we watched Friday night, before I fell asleep, but it was sort of funny. Raising Arizona was priceless, one of Mike's favourites and he basically recited it. Watching that was funny too.
Alright. I can also add "finishing a blog post" (albeit without pictures since I can't load anything) to today's "done" list.
To Do list:
1. Marriage license -send in stuff.
2. Banking
3. Thank you cards so people don't think I fell off the face of the earth.
4. Correspondence for the same reason as # 3.
5. Possibly leave the house
6. Print photos
7. Do some serious scrapbooking. I was emailing my friend L. and lamenting how she was such a great help in motivating me to do this. I must self-motivate (not my strong point today).
Okay the game is starting. Maybe more later. (maybe not).
Happy Saturday, Sunday, Weekend.
ps I managed to write this post with Mike talking to me. I consider this progress. I even answered him a few times.